Why “We Want Guac”?

I chose the We Want Guac moniker because guac always costs extra; you’re seen as a Mr. Moneybags if you go for the guacamole at most restaurants, which is exactly what I want you guys to get for yourselves. I’m gunning for you reaching the levels of wealth to get the guac without a second thought.

So, I chose a simple cry of “We want guac” comes into play; I’m noticing any English teacher could spin into meaning several more things. Guac is green and so is money. Guac originated in Central America, making it ““exotic”” to the uncultured taste buds of the WASP-ish elite; in the same way I’m not targeting elites with this blog but your average 20-something who needs some useful education. It’s trendy, yet a cultural staple – just like earning the big bucks are. Plus, it tastes amazing. It’s like a slice of the good life right there.

But those reaching literature analyses aren’t why I picked the name, either. Really, it was Chipotle that got me thinking about it. I love Chipotle and I love their guacamole, which only comes if you order it as an extra. Extra guac for my burrito is a tiny luxury I’d feel guilty over getting, even though I love it. Read that again: I felt like it was wrong to get something that made me happy, that I could damn well afford, because that little bit of money could’ve gone to anything else.

See how good this looks??

No. We want guac and we’re not ashamed to say it. We shouldn’t be ashamed to say it, not when we’re on top of our finances and getting good at this game of wealth. With better financial wisdom we can have our guac and still get to do great things like travel to awesome places and become homeowners.

We Want Guac is Kinda Rebellious, Too

Ritchie Rich might scoff at me for this, harrumphing and going “When I was trying to buy my first home, I wasn’t buying smashed avocado!!!”

… I said might but this actually happened. This is a word-for-word real quote from a millionaire on Australia’s 60 Minutes, who is so disconnected from reality that he believed getting avocado-anything – and by extension, anything kind of nice – was the number-one reason behind why young adults struggle to get financially ahead.

It couldn’t be because of systemic flaws and purposeful misinformation, no! That might mean there’s uncomfortable change for more than just the poor! We can’t possible believe that, my stars!!!

And thus continues the pearl-clutching, head-in-the-sand tactics that continue to believe the exceptions to the rule must mean everyone else is doing it wrong.

I’m not about being ignorant about anything. The phrase “ignorance is bliss” is only applicable when you’re ignorant about EVERYTHING, including how much better your life would be if you had slightly improved circumstances beyond what you have. There are burdens that come with knowing the truth, yet there is much more value in having truth than having bliss. You might feel blissful while ignorant, but – to paraphrase a different, contradictory saying – you’ll miss out on how much knowledge is power.

“Darcy,” I hear someone say, exasperated. “You’re way overthinking those three words in your blog name.”

Well, I am a marketer, after all. It’s my job to shoehorn meaning into minimalist messages and images. Plus, this was the first interesting name I found with an available domain. We Want Guac, it is!